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Conversion of Steam Boiler

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With varied fuel prices and changes in regulatory norms, it is vital for many businesses to shift their steam boiler and power plant operations to a different fuel set for maintaining sustainability and generating profits. For industrial boilers, conversion of steam boiler from Oil fired to Biomass (Rice Husk/ Straw, Bagasse, Wood chips and other crops/ process waste) is a profitable equation.

Why Mago Thermal For Conversion of Steam Boilers?

    1. Mago Thermal has expertise in conversion of steam boiler.
    2. We aim at achieving better efficiency of steam boiler operations on new fuel.
    3. Our steam boiler conversion solution allows businesses to save on fuel costs.
    4. At Mago Thermal, steam boiler conversion is a cost effective solution with low capital investment and shorter payback period.
    5. Extensive experience in converting wide range of boilers to operate on multiple fuels.
    6. Mago Thermal offers turnkey steam boiler fuel conversion.
    7. Strict quality control in engineering, installation/ construction & operations.
    8. Our Fuel Conversion team is highly experienced in achieving the desired output and efficiency.
    9. We adhere to strict timelines through state-of-the-art time management schedules and processes.
    10. We offer Flexible & Reliable steam boiler fuel conversion solutions to businesses.

At Mago Thermal, we offer

  1. Steam boiler fuel conversion for 2-100TPH capacity boilers.
  2. Steam boiler conversion to allow biomass and coal as fuel.
  3. Assistance in maintenance and operation of steam boiler.

Converted Steam Boilers Can Operate On Following Fuel Types

  • Rice Husk
  • Wood Chips
  • Bagasse
  • Biomass Pellets
  • Biomass Briquette
  • Indian Coal
  • Imported Coal
  • Petcoke

Industries We Serve

  • Rice Mills
  • Paper
  • Sugar
  • Textiles
  • Food Processing
  • Plywood
  • Pharma
  • Distilleries
  • Brewery
  • Chemicals
  • Power
  • Steel

Benefits of Fuel Conversion For Steam Boilers.

  • Cost Benefit: Converting your steam boiler to low cost, high CV fuel helps in saving cost of plant operations.
  • Latest Technology: During the process of steam boiler fuel conversion, latest technology components and modern engineering processes are incorporated, which helps in increasing the efficiency of operations and overall life of the system.
  • Multi-Fuel Operations: Steam boiler fuel conversion allows businesses to use multiple fuels in the system. This gives businesses flexibility in planning their operations due to seasonal and regulatory changes.
  • Saves Investment: Fuel conversion of existing steam boilers allows businesses to avoid buying a new boiler system. It allows them to convert their existing steam boiler to operate on a different set of fuel, thereby saving on the initial investment done by the business.

We, at Mago Thermal, undertake Steam Boiler Fuel Conversion projects for industries in Uttar Pradesh (UP), Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Gujrat and other regions across India. For further details on Mago Thermal’s EPC Power Plants, call us or email us at marketing (at)
